Single line comments :
Single line comments start with //. For example, we use single line comments to explain the code.
// Edit paragraph on page load
document.getElementById("Parag").innerHTML="This paragraph added using JS.";
Single line comment can be used to prevent the execution of one of the code lines, for example
//document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML="paragraph 1 text here";
document.getElementById("p2").innerHTML=" paragraph 2 text here ";
First code line 'll not be executed by browser.
JavaScript Multi-Line Comments :
Multi line comments start with /* and end with */.
For example
The JS code below will
Edit paragraph,
having id "parag".
document.getElementById("Parag").innerHTML="This paragraph added using JS.";
Multi-line comments can used to prevent the execution of a code block. For example
document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML="paragraph 1 here";
document.getElementById("p2").innerHTML=" paragraph 2 here ";
Comments can be placed at the end of a code line as well. For example
var str="My name is Waqas."; // declare a variable and assign a value to it
str= str + "I am JS developer"; // concatenate string to variable.
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