Create an empty python file with .py entension.
Paste following code step by step:
# Create CronTab instance.
cron = CronTab(user=True)
# Remove all previous jobs having comment id 'My_Job'
# Schedule new job having comment id 'My_Job'
job ='My_Job', command='/usr/bin/python3 /home/root/Schedular/ >> /home/root/Schedular/Logs.txt')
# Set timeslot to run this job
# Write to file.
This is all, save file and run/execute this python file.
Install following required packages before execution of file.
pip3 install python-crontab
pip3 install schedule
If you have also installed crontab package then you may see some errors, to uninstall crontab use following command:
pip3 uninstall crontab
Upon successful execution, this will schedule a new cron job in ubuntu.
To list existing cron jobs enter following command in terminal window:
crontab –l
Click here for complete code.