Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How To: Schedule Cron Job using python-crontab

We have already learnt how to schedule cron job manually. Now we will schedule cron job using python code.

Create an empty python file with .py entension.

Paste following code step by step:

# Create CronTab instance.
cron = CronTab(user=True) 

# Remove all previous jobs having comment id 'My_Job'

# Schedule new job having comment id 'My_Job'
job = cron.new(comment='My_Job', command='/usr/bin/python3 /home/root/Schedular/scheduleCronJob.py >> /home/root/Schedular/Logs.txt')

# Set timeslot to run this job

# Write to file.

This is all, save file and run/execute this python file.

Install following required packages before execution of file.

pip3 install python-crontab
pip3 install schedule

If you have also installed crontab package then you may see some errors, to uninstall crontab use following command:

pip3 uninstall crontab

Upon successful execution, this will schedule a new cron job in ubuntu.

To list existing cron jobs enter following command in terminal window:

crontab –l

Click here for complete code.

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