Tuesday, May 8, 2012

CSS Beginner tutorial 8 : Grouping and Nesting in CSS

Grouping :
By using Grouping, you can give the same properties to a number of selectors without having to repeat them by separating the selectors by commas. For example, we need to assign same property to different selectors as follows.

h2 {
color: red;
.titleclass {
color: red;
.descclass {
color: red;

By using grouping, we can write them as

h2,  .titleclass , . .descclass  {
color: red;

Nesting :
In well structured CSS, there is no need to use many class or ID selectors. Because we can specify properties to selectors within other selectors. For example

#top {
background-color: #cccccc;
#top h2 {
color: #ff0;
#top p {
color: red;

It will remove the need for classes or ID's if it is applied to HTML that looks like as follows.

<div id="top">
<h2>Hello Word !</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

By separating selectors with spaces, It is saying 'h1 inside ID top is colour #ff0' and 'p inside ID top is red'.

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