Thursday, July 5, 2012

Automatic Auditing in Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Automatic auditing is a true auditing solution for enterprise customers. STL Trace can be used for satisfying several auditing needs. SQL Server Auditing feature offers a number of advantages that attracts and help DBAs with much more easily achievable goals. These include meeting regulatory compliance requirements. These are :
  1. Provision for centralized storage of audit logs and integration with system center.
  2. Better performance that is noticeable.
  3. Permits free-grained auditing in which an audit can be targeted for some specific actions by a principle against a particular object.
  4. Allows the objects of audit to be treated as first class database objects, which mean Transact-SQL DDL statements can create these objects.
  5. The database object is controlled by database engine’s permission model and enforcement control.
  6. A new level permission is featured in SQL Audit – ALTER ANY SERVER AUDIT- which allows a principle to CREATE, ALTER and DROP an Audit Specification object.
  7. A database level permission – ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT – is introduced to allow a principle to CREATE, ALTER and DROP a Database specification object.

1 comment:

  1. Hello All,

    The SQL Server Audit object collects a single instance of server or database-level actions and groups of actions to monitor. The audit is at the SQL Server instance level. The Database Audit Specification object also belongs to a SQL Server Audit. we can create one database audit specification per SQL Server database per audit. The database audit specification collects database-level audit actions raised by the Extended Events feature. Auditing feature offers a number of advantages that attracts and help DBAs with much more easily achievable goals. Thanks for this information.... Nice Blog!!!

    Exchange Public Folder
