Web pages are also called html documents, because these consists of html tags. Html documents consists of html tags and plain text to describe it as a whole web page.
Web Browsers are places where we see html documents ( web pages ). Web Browsers interpret these html tags and show contents of pages.
html documents consists of following parts.

it will be save as a webpage, now open this page and see the web content. To change its content open it in notepad or in any text editor and change the plain text and click "Save" in file menu, to see changes.
In above code :
- Everything in between <html> and </html> describe the web content.
- Everything between <head> and </head> describe the web header.
- Everything between <title> and </title> describe the title of the page ( for example 'welcome to my page' ).
- Everything between <body> and </body> describe the visible content on web page. Everything between <h> and </h> describe the Heading.
- Everything between <p> and </p> describe the paragraph.